Posts in 2023
  • A Minute from the Moderators

    Thursday, March 16, 2023 in Posts

    We’ve been working hard to build out more of the Community Documentation to help everyone to create a wonderful experience on Hachyderm. For the past month, we’ve focused most heavily on our new How to Hachyderm section. The docs in this …

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  • Decaf Ko-Fi: Launching GitHub Sponsors et al

    Tuesday, February 28, 2023 in Posts

    Since our massive growth at the end of last year, many of you have asked about ways to donate beyond Nóva’s Ko-Fi. There were a few limitations there, notably the need to create an account in order to donate. There were a few milestones we …

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Posts in 2022
  • Growth and Sustainability

    Sunday, December 04, 2022 in Posts

    Thank you to everyone who has been patient with Hachyderm as we have had to make some adjustments to how we do things. Finding ourselves launched into scale has impacted our people more than it has impacted our systems. I wanted to provide some …

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  • Leaving the Basement

    Saturday, December 03, 2022 in Posts

    Featured Image for Leaving the Basement
    Photo: Kris Nóva

    This post has taken several weeks in the making to compile. My hope is that this captures the vast majority of questions people have been asking recently with regard to Hachyderm. To begin, I would like to start by introducing the state of Hachyderm …

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